
Ha ha! ... Busy

Okay, so my bad for not posting in a while. I was gone for the weekend, then I actually had to WORK at work (Go figure). This is really the first chance I got to even touch the blog besides yesterday, but I had to watch "Pi" yesterday, and we all know it is difficult to blog whilst watching a paranoid delusional Mathematician do his thang. I actually do not have an ideas for an upcoming post, so it might be next Wednesday before anything is posted again.

I think when I started this I forgot to mention that I do not have an internet connection at my home, which means I can only add a new post while I am at work, and only if there is no work to be done. It is an odd situation, but what else is there for me to do? A story needs to be told, and I am the only one that can tell it, so I must do what I can to let the world *Trails off* ...


  1. You *had* to watch "Pi"? I don't believe you.

  2. "but what else is there for me to do?"

    Maybe purchase an internet connection? :P

  3. "Samann": Yes, I had to watch "Pi". I have a Netflix subscription, and I needed to return it so I could watch "Slipstream".

    Herohtar: Why would I spend money on an internet connection when I have one where I work? I do not see the use in spending money on something that will just be a distraction at home. I would rather have to deal with finding time to check my e-mail/Facebook while at work, than deal with limiting my internet usage at home. I am not a big fan of wasting all my time at home perusing the internet for useless and trivial information, I have time to do that at work while fixing computers. That said, being a slave to my need for entertainment does not come first in my list of priorities.

  4. So I have a book on my shelf at school called, "The History of Pi" and I definitely had a student (a 10th grader, mind you) today say, "Why would anyone want to read a history of someone named P.I.?" Needless to say, I laughed and began contemplating what the use of teaching is anyway. The moral of our story? Stay in school friends, stay in school. Oh, and don't smoke weed. The End.
