
05. Interjection?

Apparently nobody in the family knows how to cook, so I have been making all four meals. Yes I said four, turns out everyone in France eats an extra meal called "Elevensies", which mostly consists of a single apple. I had to bust out the Sweet Potato Pie recipe my Aunt Gigi taught me just to keep them satisfied. For desert I made some kind of awesome cake, the kids say it was quite delicious, and that it had the proper frosting-to-cake ratio... Either that or they said they claim my shins in the name of Botswana... My French is a little rusty. This is true... The rusty French part, not the Botswana part, you crazy readers and your crazy conclusion jumping.

I have been getting rather cold at night recently, so I decided to make my own pair of pajama pants, the only problem is I did not have enough fabric. So one leg of the pants is blue with white clouds, and the other leg is a type of flannel pattern, the colors seem rather... Nobody will get this, if you do, I probably owe you money *Gasping for breath* What is word... Analogous, but I do not mind, I am the only one that is going to be seeing them, right? I also broke down and bought some socks, the end. Unrelated: Other Kelly does not approve of the narrative, what is the deal with her?
Lord of the Rings, I Robot, My Father, Men In Black, C/W Aaron P.

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