
04. Running out of clever titles

So I was asking Tom what his least favorite things are, just to see if we agreed on anything, (I find it hard to relate to people who like lung cancer). He started listing off pretty much everything that exists, then at the very end of the list as he was walking off he said "Oh, and Hugh Jackman!" To which I responded "Hugh Jackman is Wolverine!" Almost too obvious, but I really wanted this one. It was just not cool, but I guess any conversation is better than no conversation.

I have done a pretty good job of relating to the kids so far, they like to watch cartoons I think this actually happened and yell at each other, they also occasionally enjoy a strange game which, when translated to English, is called "Punch Each Other In The Face". An awfully curious game, they offer to let me play, but I respectfully decline as often as possible.

We went to the store today, it was a bit of a ways away, and the family does not own a car, but the seven of us walked every ile together until we got there. T(w/o)o veiled? Probably, but I feel really clever for this one, and that is all that really matters, rite?
Scrubs, Myself, Chasingmyhat, Trigun


  1. At least one of these people sounds like an alien, no?

  2. Curse you, spellchecker! I doesn't even respect one's name.

  3. Oh noes! I forgot about that for the latest post... Next time...
