
08. Like the Au-pair has to worry about alienating the kids...

We recently took a trip to the Eiffel Tower... It is good... it is going to be good, it is going to be good. The drive was a meager three hours. Downside: It was so crowded that we never actually got ON the tower, it was closed for some reason or another, so we did not even get a chance to go to the top, it was utterly macabre... It was closed due to something having to do with The Rose Suchak Ladder Company doing some kind of maintenance repair on the ladder work around the tower.

On the way back home we decided to stop by Burgundy. Apparently they have lots of booze there? I dunno, anyway the adults all got "totally smashed", Reaching, I know and at some point they felt that they should smuggle wine bottles in their jackets so as to save the good stuff for another day.

After we got back, once I entered the house, one of the Monkeys cleared their throat and pointed to the laundry room. I gave them a confused look because I had no idea what was going on, then I went upstairs to my room.
C/W Aubrey, AD, AD, The Sana Claus, C/W Aubrey, WoW, ChasingMyHat, AD

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