
11. ... Come on!

I just got back from a party (Remember the time difference, it is about 2130 here), I got the invitation a week ago, which simply had the date and time listed... "11-5, 4:05 PM". Leeloo knew the location of the party, the time listed was a very odd time to start a party, but I have gotten used to not asking questions when it comes to traditions in this crazy land. I met a ton of people there, one Guy in particular who was very interesting. I never caught his name, but he introduced me to his friends: Thomas Bates, Christopher Wright, John Wright, Thomas Percy, Robert Catesby, Robert Winter, and Thomas Winter. They all wore funny hats and had pointy beards. He apparently adopted a daughter at some point named Antonia Fraser who was born in 1996 that loves to write. He said he grew up on an island directly Northwest of Santa Cruz Island, in the Galápagos. I guess he likes to tell people random facts about his life, our conversations were very unfocused and tended to take leaps all over the place, we had a hard time staying on one topic, but that is okay.

After we had all been introduced to each other we started some dancing, just before we started, one of the Guys said "A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having!". I have no idea what that means, but it sounded like a good idea. At one point during the dancing, the song "Fireworks" by Kate Walsh came on, which I personally thought was a poor choice, but I kept quiet and danced on. Surprisingly, everyone at the party was fairly decent at dancing, I definitely had a good time. Some time after that, they started a fire, bonfire. Night had come and we all sat around the fire pit and ate black peas with vinegar (They were gross, and by gross I mean awesome). They had a few fireworks which they set off in time to the 1812 Overture. At the end of the night, we listened to a song called "Remember" as we watched the fire burn down. All in all it was a good night of new friends, dancing, music, and fire.
GP, GP, GP, The GP: Terror and Faith in 1605, Isla Guy Fawkes, GP, V for Vendetta, Song about the GP, 11-5, V for Vendetta, John Lennon song.

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