
05. Did you burn that down?

As soon as I stepped outside today, my neighbor (Eli) started whining about an airplane with no wings crashing into his barn... I cannot help it, we have been watching this movie a lot at work recently. Oh, That's how we joke... He doesn't even have a barn!

Anyway, I walked to school today, and passed by a group of local prisoners (With guards, of course), they were going down the street picking up trash. I noticed one man in particular, the number on his prison outfit was 37927. He looked vaguely familiar, but I did not think anything of it. I was too busy artfully dodging traffic (Mostly a type of car called a Konami) to try to figure out where I knew him. I have the high score in the Youth Group room at my Church... 8650, baby!

In other news: I spotted one of those new "Lemon Snickers" bars at the local 7-11, I could not help but wonder what unfortunate series of events unfolded to bring that candy bar into existence.

I do not think anyone will get that last one, honestly it was thrown in at the last second. Unrelated: Kelly is getting married. Crazy, huh? We have to wait until June before we can tackle her with joy, TP her house, throw confetti, etc.

Back to the Future, Arrested Development, Shawshank Redemption, Frogger, Lemony Snicket book.


  1. Why would I find five dollars?

  2. Ok, fine. Is it that Konami Digital Entertainment makes Frogger and Ace Eli and Roger of the Skies?

  3. You got the first one right, but not the second one.

  4. Why *wouldn't* you find five dollars?

  5. Darn. I looked a long time for that. Ok, that's a hard one.

  6. Last one is lemony snickett's a series of unfortunate events.
